EN - THÉO MERCIER - La Villette
© Copyright
© Erwan Fichou




50 min

Creation 2024

Skinless uncovers a sensual, subversive love story within a landscape of compressed detritus. A recyclable piece at the intersection of installation and performance.

The audience is seated around a fairly astonishing assemblage: a ring consisting of waste, heaps of compressed cardboard boxes amidst which life seems possible. It is on this soil that visual artist and stage director Théo Mercier has written the script for a threeway love story that soon takes shape before our very eyes: two male characters covered in a latex skin gradually emerge from beneath the surface, crumpling the ground beneath their feet, discovering, desiring, and devouring each other, and sinking into a burrow of paper. The trio plays with the notion of desire and its loss in an inverted Garden of Eden where the “end of the world” becomes a possible new beginning for a new humanity to be constructed. The production unfolds in this spirit, as the stage is recreated from scratch in each city, in collaboration with local waste disposal centres. Théo Mercier thus continues his explorations of the use of materials as a way to regenerate our models and to reinvent our relationship to what remains.

Standing room only.

Thu. 21.11
Fri. 22.11
Sat. 23.11
Sun. 24.11

More dates available here →

Full price 20€
Subscribers & adherents 12€
Young subscribers 8€

More prices here →

Part of the 2024 Paris Autumn Festival

Casting / Production credits

Concept and Direction Théo Mercier Scenography Théo Mercier, Florent Jacob, and François Boulet Artistic and Dramaturgical Collaboration Florent Jacob Choreographic Collaboration Anna Chirescu

Performed and Created in Collaboration with Bruno Senune, Maxime Thébault, and Aurélien Vieillard Sound Composition Pierre Desprats

La Villette – Paris, Autumn Festival

Production Good World

With the support of  the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès

Coproduction La Villette – Paris, Théâtre national de Bretagne -Rennes, Le Quartz, Scène nationale de Brest, Cndc – Angers dans le cadre des Accueil Studio, Le Volcan, Scène nationale et le Portique, centre régional d’art contemporain du Havre, Maison de la Culture d’Amiens – Pôle européen de création et de production, Festival d’Automne à Paris, CCN – Ballet National de Marseille dans le cadre de l’accueil studio / Ministère de la Culture

With collaboration of Paprec

Skinless receives production support ministère de la Culture – DRAC de Bretagne.

With the support of Montévidéo, Centre d’Art et de la Ménagerie de Verre, Paris

Studio facilities in Centre national de la danse

Théo Mercier is an associate artist at Théâtre National de Bretagne, Rennes.


Practical information


Grande Halle


Line 5 - Porte de Pantin station


Line 3b - Porte de Pantin station


Bus 75, 151 - Porte de Pantin stop





Cité de la Musique - La Villette


Cité de la Musique - Conservatoire


Cité des Sciences


PRM contact at 01 40 03 75 75

Useful information
  • Standing room only
  • Light food and refreshments available on-site before the show in the Grande Halle
  • Several dining options available in the park before or after the show

In the press


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To go further

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