EN - FESTIVAL VIVACES ! #7 - La Villette
© Copyright
Quentin Chevrier


Does the beauty of plants have a meaning?


de 10h30 à 19h

Since 2018, the Vivaces! Festival has been the highlight of autumn in Paris, bringing plants to life. For novice, amateur or enlightened gardeners, and all those curious about nature.

Each year, around its perennial plant market, the Festival offers a different take on the plant world and its interactions with the rest of the living world in the form of a “discovery trail”, illuminated by nurserymen, naturalists, artists, gardeners and scientists.

This 7th edition will be decked out in the marvels of the plant world, and will ask the question: does the beauty of plants have a meaning? Many of us are fascinated by plants. They can stir our emotions, amaze us or stimulate our senses. But what does the beauty of living things mean? Are the colours, smells, shapes and textures just there to make our eyes sparkle? What role do these attributes play in the lives of plants, insects and birds? In 2024, the Festival Vivaces! will be penetrating the secrets of plant beauty and celebrating their genius.

Based on a proposal by Pépins production

Practical information


Jardins passagers


Line 5 - Porte de Pantin station


Line 3b - Porte de Pantin station


Bus 75, 151 - Porte de Pantin stop

Useful information
  • Petite restauration sur place
  • Plusieurs offres de restauration dans le parc avant ou après le spectacle, à découvrir ICI.


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