EN - Carolina Bianchi y Cara de Cavalo - La Villette
© Copyright
© Christophe Raynaud de Lage


Cadela Força Trilogy
Chapter I – The Bride and Good Night, Cinderella

Not recommended for people under 18



A 2023 Creation

A revelation at the 2023 Avignon Festival, Brazilian playwright Carolina Bianchi’s shock performance draws on art history and personal trauma to examine and test the memory of sexual violence against women.

Rape and femicide are words that carry a significant weight, and Carolina Bianchi and the Cara de Cavalo collective give them all their heft and materiality in a performance whose two distinct parts reflect two corporal states. The Bride refers to the tragic story of Italian artist Pippa Bacca, who undertook a performance in 2008 that proved fatal; crossing the Balkans by car, dressed as a bride, her journey came to a brutal halt in a Turkish forest, where she was raped, strangled, and later found dead. Carolina Bianchi uses this story to weave a series of stories together that are presented to the audience in the form of a lecture, in which artistic references and harrowing stories are thrown together. Good Night, Cinderella refers to the cynical name that Brazilians have given to the “rapist’s drug”, which knocks victims unconscious and erases their sense of time. Carolina Bianchi swallows a dose of it on stage, thus sending her performance into another dimension, a descent into hell.

Certain scenes may offend the sensibilities of uninformed persons.

Wed. 6.11
Thu. 7.11
Fri. 8.11
Full price 28€
Subscribers & adherents 15€
Young subscribers 10€

More prices here →

Part of the 2024 Paris Autumn Festival

Casting / Production credits

The stories composing the text of the performance arrange real facts and literary fictions, some references of which are cited in the text while others deserve to be highlighted. Without the first part of the performance, the quotes come from the following works: The White Dress by Nathalie Léger, Foto Fantasma by Renan Marcond, and The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. During the second part of the performance, actress Alitta collaborates on her monologue and cites Roberto Bolaño in his book 2666 and writings by Rita Laura Segato.

Concept, text, and artistic direction Carolina Bianchi

Translation of texts into English Larissa Ballarotti, Luisa Dalgalarrondo, Joana Ferraz, Marina Matheus Dramaturgy and research Carolina Mendonça With Alitta, Carolina Bianchi, Chico Lima, Fernanda Libman, Joana Ferraz, José Artur, Larissa Ballarotti, Marina Matheus, and Rafael Limongelli

Technical direction, sound design, and original music Miguel Caldas Scenery and design Luisa Callegari Lighting Jo Rios Videos Montserrat Fonseca Llach Karaoke video Thany Sanches Costumes Tomás Decina, Luisa Callegari, Carolina Bianchi

Assistant and artistic collaboration Tomás Decina Physical and vocal coaching collaboration Pat Fudyda, Yantó

Dialogues on theory and dramaturgy Silvia Bottiroli Photos Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Production assistant, Stage manager AnaCris Medina Production director and Tour manager Carla Estefan

International management and distribution Metro Gestão Cultural (Brazil)

Production Metro Gestão Cultural (Brasil), Carolina Bianchi y Cara de Cavalo

Coproduction Festival d’Avignon, KVS Brussels, Maillon, Théâtre de Strasbourg – Scène européenne, Frascati Amsterdam.

Residency to finalize the piece and set construction La FabricA du Festival d’Avignon Residencies Frascati Theater, DAS Theatre (Amsterdam), Festival Proximamente/KVS (Brussels), Festival 21 Voltz/Central Elétrica (Porto), Pride Festival (Belgrade), Greta Galpão (São Paulo) e Espaço Desterro (Rio de Janeiro)

With the support of Theater Der Welt, The Ammodo Foudation, DAS Theatre Master Program, 3 Package Deal of the AFK – Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst / Coalition: DAS Theatre, NDSM and Over’t IJ Festival, Kaaitheater

Practical information


Espace Chapiteaux


Line 7 - Porte de la Villette station


Line 3b - Porte de la Villette station


Bus 139, 150, 152 - Porte de la Villette stop


North "Cité des Sciences"





Cité de la Musique - La Villette


Cité de la Musique - Conservatoire


Cité des Sciences

  • This venue is accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM). Please contact 01 40 03 75 75.
  • Magnetic collars available.
Useful information
  • In Brazilian Portuguese, subtitled in French and English.
  • Certain scenes may offend the sensibilities of uninformed persons.
  • Catering available on-site before or after the show.

In the press


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