Other venues in Parc de la Villette
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© Elie Delpit

Other venues

An urban project and architectural complex... It's not just La Villette in the park!

The Parc de la Villette is an example of French expertise in urban redevelopment, as evidenced by its exceptional architectural heritage. It includes the Grande Halle, built in the 19th century, the follies designed by Bernard Tschumi, and the Geode constructed between 1983 and 1986. Additionally, the Philharmonie de Paris by Jean Nouvel, which opened in the park in the 21st century, further enhances its architectural diversity and cultural significance.

Going beyond the traditional park model, Parc de la Villette has embodied for the past 30 years a new landscape approach as an urban cultural park. It serves as a place where cultures and nature intersect, fostering dialogue between arts and society.

The Public Establishment of the Parc and Grande Halle de la Villette (EPPGHV) is responsible for the development and daily management of the buildings and landscaped spaces of the park, as well as the cultural programming of numerous venues.

La Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris

La Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris is a unique musical complex offering the best of musical repertoires in spaces designed to enhance listening. Beyond its particularly rich concert programming, its museum, exhibitions, and the numerous activities it offers are invitations to explore the world of music.

Architects : Christian de Portzamparc (Cité de la musique) et Jean Nouvel (Philharmonie de Paris)

La Cité des sciences et de l’industrie

Founded in 1986, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie is a Universcience venue that serves as a bridge between science, society, and technology. It is a privileged place for discovery, innovation, and education catering to a diverse audience. It offers temporary and permanent exhibitions with innovative museography, a library, spaces dedicated to children, services, new technologies, and experimentation, all tailored for both young and adult visitors.

Architect : Adrien Fainsilber

Le Baruda

Péniche Cinéma

Le Baruda – Péniche Cinéma dropped anchor in 2008 on the Canal de l’Ourcq. This cultural association offers collectives and associations screenings on a large screen featuring various formats: documentaries, short and feature films. The barge also hosts evening musical programming.


Resource center dedicated to creative music, the Centre de documentation de la musique contemporaine (Cdmc) holds a unique collection of scores, recordings, videos, and more. In addition to a public consultation space, the Cdmc offers numerous digital resources and organizes meetings with key figures in music creation.

Inside the Cité de la musique.

The equestrian center

The pony club was established in 1977 when Parc de la Villette was still a large industrial wasteland. By 1978, horses were introduced, and the pony club became an equestrian center.

Le Cabaret sauvage

Le Cabaret Sauvage is a prototype of a soundproofed circus tent with studio-quality acoustics: the first of its kind in the world. World music, DJ nights, live performances, dance, and circus acts all share the stage at this venue.is a prototype of a soundproofed circus tent with studio-quality acoustics: the first of its kind in the world. World music, DJ nights, live performances, dance, and circus acts all share the stage at this venue.

Architect : Boris Zeisser 

La Géode

A true evocation of the Earth, this building with exceptional and unique architecture houses a cinema hall equipped with one of the largest hemispherical screens in the world, coupled with an incredibly powerful sound system.

Architect : Adrien Fainsilber 


The Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris is a public institution of higher artistic education. As the leading French institution for the transmission of musical and choreographic arts, it also provides high-level education. The Conservatoire is contemporary in its approach through an ambitious policy of creation, research, and openness to the public.

Architect : Christian de Portzamparc 

Le Hall de la chanson

Accredited by the Ministry of Culture, the Centre national du patrimoine de la chanson, offers productions that stage and arrange repertoires of popular music of all styles, mostly by artists under 30 from national conservatories or its own higher education school, TÉC.

Jardin 21

By the edge of the Canal de l’Ourcq, Jardin21 is like the natural offspring of a grandpa’s vegetable garden and a Berlin open-air space. Spanning over 1,850m² of outdoor space, Jardin21 welcomes visitors from early spring to late summer with its organic farm-to-table dishes, botanical workshops for all ages, a dancefloor under the exact sun, and lively guinguettes after dark.

Open for lunch and dinner, Wednesday through Sunday, starting from April 2024.

Oasis 21

Oasis 21 is a cooperative and sustainable third place offering workspaces to actors involved in ecological, social, and civic transition. The 1,500 m² site, renovated with ecological considerations, brings together offices, open spaces for remote workers, meeting rooms – as well as phone booths, spaces for quiet video conferences, alcoves, kitchens, and social spaces.

Architect : Camille Behaghel (Atelier 108) 

Le Kilomètre25

Kilomètre25 is a convivial living space spanning 2,200m². Open seasonally in spring and summer, Km25 offers a multidisciplinary program at the intersection of arts and cultures. You’ll find a village of alternative shops, festivals, second-hand and designer markets, as well as DIY workshops. As night falls, Kilomètre25 opens its dancefloor with techno and house events featuring international artists and local collectives.

Le Théâtre Paris-Villette

Supported by the City of Paris, Théâtre Paris-Villette was the first cultural institution to establish itself at La Villette in 1972. Since 2013, its direction has adopted a policy to support creation in order to encourage new forms of theater and dance, benefiting all audiences and especially the youth (from 2 years old).

Le Trabendo

Le Trabendo is a renowned intimate concert venue known for its stage setup that allows for close proximity between the artist and the audience. Taken over since 2012 by the magazine Tsugi dedicated to the emerging music scene, and the show producer Super!, its programming, which explores new talent, blends rock, indie, electronic, rap, and world music genres. Notable acts that have performed there include The Rolling Stones, Idles, Smashing Pumpkins, Jeanne Added, and Jeff Mills.

Villette Makerz

Villette Makerz

is a collaborative laboratory for design and fabrication – a Fablab – and a cultural space located along the Canal de l’Ourcq. It serves as a third place for experimentation, transmission, and connecting ideas with materials by combining contemporary creation technologies and artisanal craftsmanship.

On Sundays, the public can freely access and explore “Making Together”, ecological design, and collaborative artistic programming. During the week, professionals gather to train, experiment, exchange ideas, and engage in fabrication activities.

The Zénith Paris – La Villette

The Zénith Paris – La Villette a was built in 1984 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, with the idea of creating a venue specifically tailored for rock and popular music performances. It hosts nearly 150 events each year and attracts over 700,000 spectators annually.

Architects : Philippe Chaix et Jean-Paul Morel